Small Idea - Big Tony

I write down all the random ideas I have for games. Most of them are ridiculous. Big Tony was one of those.
This particular note read: "Big Tony: you are a stereo typical italian guy walking down da street. Gotta say "heyyyy" to ppl to get points. Pick up a slizz of pizza for extra mozza (points)."
The first version was primitive and lacked any purpose. Pizza rained from the sky and Tony did nothing but shove the small slices across the screen in a pile. My young niece was in town and she loved to play it, even with its flaws. In fact she loved the flaws (try the red scooter out). As she played over the course of several days, I added scenery and extended the level for more exploring. Once she left town, I knew the world was ready to handle Big Tony. Every night for a couple weeks, when my 16 month old son went to sleep, I went to work. Creating the artwork, music, and adding objectives so that I could release Big Tony.
The game is short (<5 minutes if you can beat it straight thru), try it out!
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